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Art of The Deal

with... Randy Thomason

Wholesale and Deal Structuring

Monday, March 15, 2021 6:30 PM - 8:00 PM
What are the common problems you face while working a wholesale deal?

Restrictions and Regulation

In response to the pandemic, governments applied restrictions for in-person meetings. This created problems for wholesalers that need to move quickly to close deals. Thankfully, virtual wholesaling allows investors to work on deals remotely. This opened the door for many investors to expand their wholesaling business to new markets. So what new options do we have to move forward even after the pandemic subsides. 

Choosing the Right Area (Market Saturation)

Looking for leads in a saturated market wastes time and money. Finding the right location is key. So in Arkansas where should we look for wholesale leads? Should we shoot for Outlying cities or should we look to invest inside the city with a major population.
Knowing where to look can lead you to the right leads that can make your wholesale experience easy. 

Quality Leads

You need leads in wholesaling, both to find properties and to find buyers.  These leads need to be qualified by you. You can purchase a list with buyers names but this doesn't always help you.
The property owners often become frustrated and less willing to talk because so many investors have reached out to many "investors" with no return. Leads are a major part of deals. 

Marketing and Communication

The bottom line is wholesaling is a numbers game. You need many different leads to find the best deals. Measuring results matters for your marketing strategy. You have to be out there in front of everyone and let them know what you do as a business.
If they don't know what you do then you have no service to offer them if the time comes where they would need someone just like you! 

The Second part of this is you have to make sure you are in constant contact with your leads. If you don't communicate effectively a HOT lead may cool quickly and that opportunity is gone. 

Understand Wholesaling

You can’t execute wholesaling deals correctly if you don’t fully understand what wholesaling is. With wholesaling, you sell the contract, NOT THE PROPERTY. It’s very important to understand that when you put a property under contract, you become an “owner per contract” and your transaction is about the contract, not the property.

Many people start with wholesaling because it's one of the fastest ways to build instant wealth when you first start. 
This usually is the most confusing part for new wholesalers. Without the knowledge of how a deal works you can get yourself deep into trouble. Real estate is a relationship business and your long-term reputation is more important than closing one deal.


Free Event

Date:  Monday, March 15, 2021
Time:  6:30 PM - 8:00 PM

Event Liability Waiver

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